
Soooo…How’s that Linux working for you?

I am currently enrolled in community college pursuing a AAS in Linux Sys Admin.

The pros and cons of my current Linux class – four weeks in:

  • The professor is very passionate (YAY!)
  • He doesn’t take breaks (BOO!)
  • He doesn’t mind if you do though (YAY!)
  • The class is 6 -10pm (BOO!)
  • The traffic is crazy and parking is wack (BOO!)
  • Other students in the class are really nice (YAY! and YAY!)

We do most things in the console provided through a separate company and not the college. This means that I can log in from home and do homework and labs and see all that progress when I login at school. School machines are routinely wiped. I was pretty torqued when my VM was no where to be found the 2nd week of class!

Our testing has been lightweight so far and most of it is stuff I know already. It turns out I have a really high recall of old MS-DOS; which is not the same as LINUX commands but the quite similar. I make a lot of comparative connections between the two. It also helps that I have experience with command line in several other contexts (Putty and mySQL). Unfortunately, unless you pay extra or work in the field, modern web hosts don’t generally give you console access. So those experiences aren’t as broad or deep as I would like.

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green leaves

Happy New Year – And what’s your plan?

Happy 2018 to you!

And good riddance 2017!! You were a very bad year!

Out with the Old and in with the New!

I am very hopeful for 2018 and what adventures (fun and/or challenging) that it might hold.
I have gone back to school – currently seeking a AAS in Linux System Administration. I probably should switch to something like Java. But when the counselor asked to ‘pick one!’ from the list – Linux looked good.

It’s been over a decade since I have managed a Linux box. Back in the day it was an old, re-purposed Windows machine running Debian and then Red Hat. It was a great hobby box that let me develop my own CRM. Glorious. But it’s pretty difficult to defend a hobby machine on a live network. And seriously, ‘aint nobody got time for that!’ (LOL – love that meme!)

Now, I am picking it up just to get a boost and to explore other aspects of tools for the web. An it’s not something your average, cousin’s nephew can do for $5… Professional web devs will understand that frustration.

By the end of the year I want to have Ninja Level Command Line skill OR have decided that this web dev life is for the birds and begin exploring other fields of interest.

Besides upping my game in the dev field, I am exploring becoming a Virtual Assistant. I have a wide swath of useful office skills – Word and Excel as well as Photoshop and Illustrator. My thought here is ‘side hustle’ but also a way of being introduced to other types of businesses. I had an offer once to work in a B&B… I wish I had taken it! I could do all that I do now but from a beautiful old farmhouse!

Finally, I plan on posting here more often. Nothing life changing – or maybe quite life changing as I explore Virtual Assisting and Linux admin. Clients are a funny animal!

Wish me well and I wish you all the very best!


Spammers – A pox on your…EVERYTHING!!


One of the banes of blogging is SPAM. I hate it. I have no patience for it. I wish I could nuke it – hard.

I wrote a fun little post here (Baby Seal) and already there are 65 spam comments. SIXTY FIVE.

Blasted BOTS!

And worse, the humans who earn pennies inputting this stuff…GAH! Normally I’d feel sorry for them because they really do earn a pittance. But I don’t ’cause they are wasting my time!

(What? You didn’t know spam commenting was a thriving cottage industry? Welcome to the 21st Century.)

I guess I’ll have to resort to CAPTCHA. I hate that almost as much as I hate SPAM…



(Here is a Google search for POX.)

LOLs – baby seal mugs!

As a part of ‘How I Unwind’ I spent twenty minutes on Pinterest looking through various ‘funny boards’.  This one had me LOL and rolling and tears.  ‘Cause (cute + rage comic + over stimulated brain )=== HILARIATY!


funny pinterest post - white seal cub
Yes. I did LOL

That’s My King!

This is possibly my favorite video of all time.

That’s My King – Dr. S. M. Lockridge.

Reminds me of some of those old timey ‘Jump Up And SHOUT!’ church services I went to as a kid :-).